“Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― G.K. Chesterton

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Review--"An Amish Family Reunion" by Mary Ellis

"An Amish Family Reunion" by Mary Ellis was a delicious venture into Amish fiction.  In the past, the only inspirational Amish fiction I have truly enjoyed was that of Beverly Lewis.  When I saw the synopsis of "An Amish Family Reunion," I found it intriguing.  It seemed unlike all the other familiar plots of the other Amish fiction books (which all seemed similar to me).  I decided to give this one a chance, and I am very glad I did! 

Goodreads Book Description:  During a rumschpringe visit to Niagara Falls, Phoebe Miller meets Eli Riehl, who charms her--and everyone else--with his exceptional storytelling ability. When Phoebe sketches scenes to illustrate one of his tales, Eli encourages her talent, and together they embark on a lofty and unlikely business venture for two young Amish people--writing and illustrating a children's book.

As I stated above, I really enjoyed many aspects of this book.  One way it was unfamiliar from the other Amish books I have read is that much of it takes place in Amish communities in Ohio.  Most of the Amish fiction I am familiar with are based on the Lancaster County Amish, which seem to have many different customs from the Ohio Amish.  It was interesting to compare the differences between the communities as I was reading. 

I also enjoyed the fact that all of the action did not take place on a farm or just in an Amish community.  It was really refreshing see the world (such as Niagara Falls) through the eyes of the Amish.  The two main characters, Phoebe and Eli go on a rumschpringe trip to Niagara Falls.  I love that part of the book and think that it is very different to see the characters taking a trip like this in this particular genre. 

I also enjoy the fact that even though we have our two main protagonists, there are also subplots going on between the characters in the extended family.  They are characters from the author's previous books in this series.  This is actually a book in a series, but I have not read the previous books.  I found that one does not have to read the preceding books to understand this book.  It was a little confusing at first for me to keep all of the characters straight, but the author has a "cast of characters" listed in the front of the book that I referred to often.  I found it extremely helpful!  I loved all of the subplots and fell in love with this big family.  It is heartwarming how the author brings everything together at the end and the whole family is able to meet for a wonderful "Amish Reunion."

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.  It is a clean read. 

I want to thank Harvest House Publishers & Mary Ellis for the complimentary copy of this book for review.  I was not required to write a positive review.The opinions I express in this review are my own.  This is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR 16, Part 255.

Go here to read the first chapter from "An Amish Family Reunion"

Visit Mary Ellis's website and blog to learn more about her and her books

Watch the book trailer below


  1. thanks so much for such a lovely review! And I'm tickled pink that you enjoyed my book. Without readers, why would writers sit down at their computers? you made my day!

  2. Aww, thanks so much Mary for stopping by and leaving a comment! Your comment is so sweet : )
